Like the record of all the men and women of the Bible, the record of Mary’s life is now complete. None of the faithful of old knew that a story was going to be published of their life. They didn’t know that God would outline all their strengths and weaknesses for the benefit of succeeding generations.
What if our lives, and the lives of those who have lived since the time of Christ, were to be published for the benefit of the mortals in the future age? How would your life read, if God were to record your life? How would your story go? Although we do not know whether it will be published, we do know that our story IS being recorded in the book of remembrance! But it’s an unfinished record. How is your story being written? Do you need to make changes to your story? What will you add to your story this week?
– Thoughts taken from “Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord” by Con Mitsos on