Closer to God- Through the Hope of the Messiah

{Thank you to Kristen S. for providing the Closer to God summaries!}

In this class we focus on Psalm 45 and how the hope of the Messiah brings us closer to God. Throughout the whole Old Testament, and especially in the Psalms, we see the hope of the Messiah foreshadowed throughout.

Psalm 45 is filled with such emotion as it describes our King. But as you read through it, it makes you ponder… how much do we truly love the Lord Jesus Christ? In scripture, we are given a picture from the faithful of old of how in love they are with their Savior. So much so that they cannot contain it and write it down for others to read.

Bro. Tim challenges us to sit down and think about why YOU love Jesus. Write it down and where does your heart lead you? What do we think about him during the week? When we think of him, is it in these same terms of Psalm 45 that are filled with so much emotion and passion?

If our answers are not as deep as that of the Psalmist, perhaps we should consider why. What is distracting us away from our focus on God’s purpose for this earth and the high calling that we have been given through our Lord Jesus? This life and its temporary pleasures or trials can so easily suck away the joy and the passion that we should feel towards our hope and salvation through Christ.

If you find yourself not feeling like your relationship with God and with Christ is where it should be – do not lose heart. These Psalms were written to encourage brothers and sisters and have done so for thousands of years. Let us be inspired by their example and make their words real in our lives so we can learn how to draw closer to our God and our soon coming King.

– Thoughts taken from the “Closer to God” Class 5 by Bro. Tim Badger on

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