Each week we hope to share ideas, homework sheets, lesson plans for the CSSA lessons. Please share any resources you may have!
Junior Lesson
Here are Junior teacher’s notes (PDF) or (WORD) for Lesson 1.
Colouring Page
Click on the above image to download the PDF.
Homework Sheet
This is a Junior homework sheet (PDF) or (WORD) (Thanks to Jim S. for this!)
Memory Verse System
This document is memory verse cards for Lesson 1.
Practical Challenge
Thanks to Kate B. for sharing these practical challenges.
Each week we hope to share a practical challenge that can be incorporated into the lesson or as homework.
Lesson 1 – Practical Challenge
Coming Soon!
Craft Ideas
Two dedicated Sunday School teachers have very useful Pinterest pages that link directly to the CSSA program.
Take a look at the corresponding Primary Lesson to get more craft ideas!
Additional Resources
This PDF document is a word search based on Genesis 1. (Thanks to Meriden Christadelphians for these worksheets!)
This PDF document is a jig saw puzzle based on Genesis 1.
This PDF document is full of Bible marking ideas for an overview of the Bible and the first five books. (Thanks to Christadelphian Studies for these Bible marking sheets!)
This is a good little reminder about how we treat our bible compared to our cell phones. Click here to download the PDF file.
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.”
Hebrews 1:1-2