Happiness or joy in life is something that many people are trying very hard to find these days. There are numerous articles online about various ways to achieve happiness. You can love yourself, smile, laugh, be kind, forgive, do things you love, volunteer, savour daily experiences, focus on the positive, practice gratitude, spend time with friends, etc. These all may lead to more momentary happiness, but what do you do when these things are hard to find or do? Can you still be joyful?
Paul mentions joy repeatedly in the letter to the Philippians. Although he wrote these words while he was in prison in Rome, perhaps chained to a Roman guard, he was able to find joy despite his circumstances. He points us to the true source of joy – rejoicing in the Lord, for it is through him that all our needs are supplied, we are given strength and we have hope.
If you feel like you need a little revival in the joy department, taking a little time with this letter may be just what you need!
– Julie S.
Please also note that if you would like to keep going with your Philippians studies, Julie has also created two mini workbooks on two different sections of Philippians! Please visit: http://www.christadelphians.ns.ca/mini-bible-studies/ for these more detailed workbooks.