{Thank you to Julie S. for this post and Bible Reading Journal!}
Have you ever considered how the Psalms are written to mirror the emotions and conflicts in our hearts and then prompt them in the proper direction? There is a very interesting set of talks on ChristadelphianBibleTalks called “Using the Psalms for Overcoming” by Bro. Leen Rittmeyer. He attempts to show that Psalms are written for us to use to speak to God because by speaking God’s words, instead of our own, we can put our hearts aright. He encourages using the words of the Psalms in all our prayers because they can then direct our behaviour or response to our situation. For example, we can see how Jesus used Psalm 22 to overcome his last moments on the cross.
This seems to be so true of Psalm 119. It is a prayer, and one that helps us to see how God works with us, and what our part is. For example, in verses 33-40, the writer of the Psalm states his part – to keep God’s way and His law, observe it, delight in it, devoting himself to the fear of God, and longing after God’s precepts. But God, on the other hand, teaches him, gives him understanding, makes him go in the paths, inclines his heart, turns away his eyes from vanity, quickens him in the way, turns away reproach, and quickens him in righteousness. It is this way throughout this Psalm – God’s part and man’s part.
Someone wrote this about Psalm 119: “The Psalm speaks the language of one ravished with moral beauty and the need to reproduce this beauty in one’s daily life.” The end result of this state of mind is given in the first three verses: those who walk in the law of the LORD, who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart – they are blessed.
How do we seek God with the whole heart? It is not merely having a quick look. The word “seek” has the idea of beating down a path, and treading there frequently. If you look at the examples of seeking the LORD in the Bible, you will find that to seek the LORD requires preparation of the heart – choosing to no longer depend on other sources for help and direction, removing the idols and high places that are lurking there, and separation from the filthiness of the heathen. It requires seeking daily, with all of you involved.
It is not hard to imagine that this Psalm was one that Mary taught to Jesus very early so that he could learn to become the word made flesh. Read it through and see how much of it you can say honestly of yourself. We will not be the perfect embodiment of the Word as Jesus was, but it is an excellent place to start.
Psalm 119 Bible Reading Journal
See also our Bible Reading Challenge: https://www.magnifyhimtogether.com/2018/08/27/introducing-bible-reading-journals-and-a-challenge/