We’ve now come to the end of our Sunday School year!
Hopefully for those in North America we are finishing up our Sunday School exams, project books and are looking forward to our Sunday School picnics.
With the busyness of our summer months including kids camp, Bible schools, VBS’ and quality time as families around the word of God, we will pause our weekly Thursday Sunday School post until mid-August. At that point we will begin to share ideas for getting ready to teach Stage 2 of the CSSA program.
If you have any Sunday School resources, plays, homework sheets, project ideas for topics covered in Stage 2 – we would love to hear from you!!!
Please send us a message and we’ll be in touch to let you know how to share your resources.
If Stage 2 we will be continuing with the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness, entering the land under the leadership of Joshua, following the cycle of sin, suffering, supplication and salvation during the times of the judges and finally ending the year learning of the first two kings of Israel – Saul & David. It is sure to be an exciting year as we grow in our knowledge of our God and the many faithful men and woman who have served Him.
For some summer reading – bro. Jim Harper has recently published a book for Sunday School teachers that we would highly recommend.
“Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.” Proverbs 20:11