This material was used for a one-off Sunday School class on the Kingdom, at an ecclesial Study Day. It is aimed at 3 to 5 year olds.
Some of the things we talked about:
- Where will the Kingdom be?
- What will the earth be like in the Kingdom?
- Who will be the king and who will help him?
- What will the animals be like in the Kingdom?
- The things we need to do now to prepare for the Kingdom.
Lesson Notes
These are the lesson notes for the class.
- PDF version of lesson notes.
- Word version of lesson notes.
Activity Sheet
After the lesson, the kids filled out this sheet with different questions about the Kingdom (with help from some adults!)
Click here for a PDF version of the worksheet.
We used glad wrap painting to put together a Bible verse poster on seeking the Kingdom first of all in our lives.
We read the story “Would you like to be in God’s Kingdom?” with the kids to end the lesson. This book is also now on audio: Would you Like to be in God’s Kingdom – Audio Book.