For many Sunday School teachers this is the time of year where we are looking for a play for our Sunday School program. Below is a list of Christadelphian Sunday School websites that have a number of different plays already. We hope this helps you find one that will work for your class. If you (or someone in your ecclesia) has written an original one for your Sunday School program, we’d love to add it to our collection of Sunday School plays. Please send us a message on the Contact Us page to find out how you can submit resources.
Christadelphian Sunday School Union
Christadelphian Sunday School Association
Australian Christadelphian Sunday School Union
Here are a few plays we have collected specific to stage 2. If you have a play you’d be willing to share – please contact us!
This play is titled “Jericho Falls – Christian Pulse News Report” (Word) and (PDF). Thank to Naomi W. for sharing this play!
Here is a play on the life of Samson (PDF) and (WORD) This was originally a CSSA play that has had significant additions made to “flesh out” the story using bro. Ryan King’s series on Samson as the basis. This was performed with great success by a teenage Sunday School class.
Here is a play on the life of Hannah (PDF)
Here is a play on the rebellion of Adonijah (PDF) and (WORD)
Thanks to Naomi O. and Cindy H. for sending us plays!