Bible Reading Challenge – Genesis

Genesis Bible Reading Challenge

Challenge yourself to achieve 1000 points by completing your choice of the following activities. Each activity has a certain number of points depending on how challenging it is. Some activites may be particularly suited for children and families, while others may be more suited for adults and teens. One of the best parts of a challenge is doing it together. Find another family to do it with, or involve your Sunday School or CYC.

Read - 400 Points

Read every chapter of Genesis.  Below you can find a printable tracker for each chapter so you can check them off as you go! You can download the digital photo of the Genesis reading list (save it on your phone and use your photo editing to check off the boxes you have read), or print the less colorful version.

Bible Journal - 500 Points

Use a notebook or a Bible Reading Journal to take notes while you read. You can order a prepared reading journal on Amazon (link below) or use just a regular notebook. A page of suggested questions to ask is also available below.  Share your thoughts or favourite verses with your friends and family or on Social Media.

Bible Art - 500 Points

Choose a verse that exhorts or encourages you during your Bible readings and illustrate it. Share your creations here: Facebook Bible Journaling Group

Bible Marking - 100 Points​

Using colour in your Bible can help make things easier to find. Blue is a colour that seems to represent holiness in the Bible, so it is a good colour for marking things that have to do with God. When you come across God making a promise or covenant, highlight it in blue. Take a photo and share it.

Language - 150 Points

“Covenant” is a word that shows up often in Genesis.  Spend some time researching the word. Use the template below if you would like help with doing a word study. Share what you learn!


Literature - 200 Points

Read through any of the following books and share a quote or two with family and friends or on Social Media. Links to Booksellers below.

  • The Genesis of Blessings by Andrew Walker
  • Resisting the Devil by Robert Prins
  • Abraham and Sarah by Roger Lewis

Media - 300 Points

Search for this talk on Christadelphian Bible Talks and Exhortations:

  • Judah’s Journey by Brian Styles

Watch one of the following documentaries: Privileged Planet or Privileged Species.

Write a short review to share what you learn.


Memory Verse - 400 Points

Learn five verses by heart:

  • Genesis 1:26
  • Genesis 3:15
  • Genesis 12:2
  • Genesis 15:6
  • Genesis 50:20

Dig Deeper - 350 Points

Do a little research to investigate the archeology of Sodom!  These links may help: The Search for Sodom, Where is Sodom? Share your findings.

Our World - 100 Points

Print off a sky map. If you’re new to starwatching and want to identify the stars in your skies, its easiest if you go outside at sunset and watch the brightest stars appear.  This will help orient you. Try some nighttime photography, and share it.

Food - 250 Points

Make lentil stew like Jacob!  Here is a recipe: Jacob’s Lentil Stew . You can also make flatbread to go with it:  Biblical Emmer Wheat Matzah.

Quiz - 150 Points

Sometimes a question to find the answer to can be helpful to keep little ones engaged. Aquila N. Priscilla has done an excellent job preparing lots of questions to ask before or after reading – you can find their book for purchase here: Know Questions: Genesis to Job. Alternatively you can download a page of questions – one for each chapter here: Genesis Quiz Sheet.

Timeline - 400 Points

Create a Timeline for the Bible that you can add to as we go along. Use the pages below, or use a sketchbook of some sort with at least 50 pages. The first page can be The Beginning to the Flood and then starting at 2100 BC you could use each page for 50 years (for example 2100-2050, 2049-2000. Draw small pictures (or use the doodles in download below to cut out and paste in) to represent an event in the readings each night on the appropriate page. This may help with figuring out the dates: Share a photo of your work!!

Bible Study - 500 Points

Use the worksheets below to create an overview of Genesis or make your own. You may also find the outlines on The Bible Project helpful (keeping in mind that there may be doctrinal differences).

Art Project - 150 Points

Create a work of art for your wall using a verse from Genesis. This website may give you some inspiration to get started: Paint a Quote on Canvas. When you are done, take a photo and share it on Social Media or with your friends and family.

The Heart - 300 Points

T H I N K   ON   T H I S :

Joseph is an excellent example of forgiveness. His brothers had heartlessly put him in a pit, sold him to strangers, and lied about him for years to their father. But when the opportunity came, he forgave them. Dennis Gillett in his book The Genius of Discipleship says: “Remember how vital this matter is. An unforgiving spirit means there is no pardon for your other sins. A rift fostered when it could be healed is a curse upon the life of faith. Neglect hardens the conscience. The mind becomes morbid and multiplies the ill-will. Grace is deferred and guile expands. The need for pardon is calling every disciple to examine at the altar his feelings towards God’s other children. An unforgiving spirit means that the desolation of unforgiven sin abides and grows. Here there is no room for negligence. It is too serious and the resulting failure too solemn. We cannot win pardon; we can only receive it gladly and gratefully. Let every troubled heart remove the impediments to pardon and receive it joyfully and find peace.” Be conscious of opportunities to forgive quickly, and not to let bad feelings grow.

Downloads & Links:

Challenge Page
Points Page
Reading Tracker
Questions to Ask
How to do a Word Study
Nations Map
Quiz Page
Filled-in Overview
Overview Worksheet
Link to Amazon
Old Testament Badges

More Resources

For more Genesis activities check out the following links:

Bible Reading ideas check out the following links:

Thank you to Julie S, Karen P, Bailey M, Sharon K, and Sarah W. for the contributions to this Challenge!

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