Levite Program for Young Adults

Thanks to Keleigh S. for today’s post. 

This program was developed because we had a large group of kids that graduated from attending Vacation Bible School (VBS) and still wanted to come to VBS.  This includes kids who have completed Grade 5 through age 18.

Most of our kids grew up from infancy/toddlers coming to VBS and really looked forward to being a part of running it – because we had so many kids who wanted to do this, we saw a need to develop some guidelines for how that would work so it could be organized.  At our VBS, our attendees are separated by age groups into “Tribes” – so we just formed another tribe for our older kids who wanted to be helpers – because they were now in a service role, we thought it fitting to call them The Levites.

This program is not perfect and it gets tweaked a little bit here and there each year, depending on the dynamic of kids and visitors we have in the area, along with the opportunities for growth that might arise.  Overall, we have found it to be a very useful implementation.  The kids are able to begin their service to the ecclesia at a young age, as well as get volunteer hours they need for graduating from school.  I have attached all of the information I have for the program.  In its current form, it is very specific to our area and how we run our VBS but can easily be modified to suit any Ecclesial function.


This is outline of the Levite Program (PDF)



This is a list of job descriptions (PDF)



This is coordinator job outline (PDF)



This is job assignment sheet (PDF)



This is guidelines for taking photos (PDF)



This is a student volunteer form (PDF)



This is a survey to be completed by the young people (PDF)



You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh;
rather, serve one another humbly in love.

Galatians 5:13

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