Thank you to John P. for this fun object lesson for kids on being filled with the Word of God!
One of the best ways to help impress the word of God on the minds of our children is through the use of object lessons. Speaking of the commandments of God, the children of Israel were instructed that “thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
The intention here was not that children should sit down for all their waking hours reading the Bible, writing out scripture, or listening to a dissertation. Rather, the principle was that in all aspects of life the word of God should be brought out. There are an abundance of things in our day to day lives that can be used to draw the minds of our children to the word of God. While the term “object lesson” may not have been used in scripture, the method was definitely used by some of the wisest teachers in scripture. King Solomon wrote in the book of Proverbs to go the ant and consider her ways. We know that the Lord Jesus Christ, taught in a similar manner by way of parables and using the natural world around him to convey a message whether it was the calming of the seas or lessons drawn from catching fish. He asked us to consider the ravens and the lilies of the field, and how God provides for them. The beauty and simplicity of using a visual picture that everyone can relate to in teaching God’s word is that it stays in our minds. Every time we see that object or do a certain job our minds get drawn back to the godly lesson – and it is much easier to remember!
Likewise us with our children, whenever they are with us as we go about our day – whether it’s working in the yard, preparing a supper, enjoying a walk – we can take opportunity to draw out lessons that help them understand the word of God just a little more.
The past couple ecclesias that we have had the pleasure of attending, began each Sunday School with an object lesson, prepared by the presiding brother. The children looked forward to these each week – they were always a visual or sometimes a hands on demonstration that the children could participate in. With Sunday Schools closed down, we thought it would might be helpful to provide a series of Kid Devotions with objects lessons that hopefully even the youngest Sunday School student can understand. Some of these will be a simple visual example of something from the world around us, while others will be more hands on demonstrations that you can do alongside us at home should you choose to! Hopefully these videos will provide a bit of inspiration to us all as we seek to bring out the word of God in all aspects of our daily life.