Creation Booklet Craft with Teaching Powerpoint for 6-8 Year Olds

PowerPoint Teaching File

Creation Week Powerpoint

Creation Booklet Craft

For the Creation Booklet, you will need:


Front Cover – Title and Verse

Need earth photo and sequins.

Day One

Day 1 Label

Verse and Separation Stickers

Also need yellow construction paper (for the light) and circle (for the earth).


Day Two

Day 2 Label

Verse 2nd day

Ring of Clouds

Waters above labels

Waters below labels

Also need blue construction paper (cut into a semi-circle) and semi-circle (for the earth).


Day Three

Day 3 Label

Verse stickers 3

DAY 3 – Land and Water background photo

Also need flower and vegetation stickers.

Day Four

Day 4 Label

Verse stickers 4

Planet Labels

Sun moon

Space Page Print

Also need blue construction paper (for background) and sequin stickers (for stars).

Day Five

Day 5 Label

Verse stickers 5




Also need blue light and dark blue, yellow, green and brown construction paper (for air, water, grass, trees), and fish and bird stickers.


Day Six


Day 6 Label

Verse stickers 6-1

Day 6 worksheet

You will also need light and dark green construction paper for the grass and trees and a variety of animal stickers.


Day Seven

Day 7 Label

Verse stickers 7

God Rested


For other Lessons on Creation see:

Creation Workbook, Lesson Notes, Activities and Crafts for 3-5 Year Olds

CSSA Creation – Crafts, Activity Sheets, and Resources

Magnify Him Together
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