If you would like ideas for activities and extensions for your Bible Readings, this Bible Reading Challenge is for you! Below you will find a challenge sheet filled with a variety of activities. Some activities may be particularly suited for children and families, while others may be suited for adults and teens – there is something for everyone. Each activity collects a certain number of points with a goal of 1000 points.
One of the best parts of a challenge is doing it together. Share your thoughts, favourite verses, quotes, reviews, photos, artwork, etc. in “Sisters Bible Study” on Facebook or “readthebiblechallenge” on Instagram with the hashtag #genesistojob and #2020readthebiblechallenge!
To see all of the challenges go to: www.magnifyhimtogether.com/bible-reading-challenge.
Badgebook and Badges
Print out the Badgebook (print front and back), Badgebook Cover, and badges (Avery 22866 Badge Stickers 2 Sam to Job Black and White or Avery 22856 Badge Stickers 2 Sam to Job Color). You can also order the Badges as magnets at Christadelphian Book Supply (see: www.magnifyhimtogether.com/2020/07/01/books-of-the-bible-magnets-genesis-through-ezra/).
2 Samuel Challenge Sheet 
2 Samuel Challenge Sheet PDF – see below for details for each of the activities.
Details for the Challenge Sheet Activities
Using the Bible Reading Companion, read every chapter of 2 Samuel. You can download the digital photo of the reading list (save it on your phone and use your photo editing to check off the boxes you have read), or print the less colorful version.
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Use a notebook or a Bible Reading Journal to take notes while you read. You can download a page of suggestions (Bible Journal suggestions) to paste in your notebook if you wish. Share your thoughts or favourite verses. This is the link for the 1 Samuel to Job Bible Reading Journal.
1. Choose a verse from the 2nd book of Samuel that exhorts or encourages you during your bible readings.
Share it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1393428964180459
In connection with the word-study for this book of the Bible, highlight all the times that the word “house” is used and whose house it is. Maybe you could then make a list of all the different “houses” mentioned. Then do the word-study below.
Read one of the following books:
Hez: Chronicles of a Mighty Man (Jonathan Cope)
The Man David (Harry Tennant)
Share a quotation or a review on social media.
Keep a box for drama objects.
Read about the Tel Dan Inscription: The Tel Dan Inscription: The First Historical Evidence of King David from the Bible, Tel Dan Stele
Draw a map of Jerusalem at time of David:
In 2 Samuel 6, David celebrates the return of the ark by giving to everyone “a cake of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine.” (KJV). The “flagon of wine” in the Hebrew is Ashishot (a sweet bread). Try this recipe for Ashishot (Ashishot is the last recipe at the bottom of the post): www.hadassahmagazine.org/2017/12/01/cooking-like-maccabee-hanukkah/
Sometimes a question to find the answer to can be helpful to keep little ones engaged. Aquila N. Priscilla has done an excellent job preparing lots of questions to ask before or after reading – you can find their book for purchase here: Know Questions: Genesis to Job. Alternatively, you can do find the answers to this: “Who Did This” 2 Samuel Worksheet
Listen to “David’s Mighty Men” by Jay Mayock (search for it on christadelphianbibletalks.com). Share a thought or review on social media using #genesistojob
Learn these five verses by heart: 2 Samuel 7:12-13, 2 Samuel 15:25, 2 Samuel 22:32-33. You can print out a PDF of these verses to help you memorize them. You can also color them, use them as bookmarks, or use them as a template to journal into your Bible margin.
The word “house” is used over one hundred times in 2 Samuel. What does this word mean? This link explains how to do a word study including a template that may help: How to Do a Bible Word Study – Template Included. Share what you learn!
In 2 Samuel 23, David longs for a drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, and three of his mighty men jeopardize their lives to get it for him. We are so used to just turning on the tap to get our water, but where does the water come from? In rural areas, people still get their water from wells, but city water often comes from a river or lake. Having a source of good clean water is important for survival. There are places in the world that do not have access to clean water, such as in Africa. Find out where your water comes from. Find out how wells are made and how they work. (Article on wells in the Bible: https://jbqnew.jewishbible.org/assets/Uploads/343/343_WELLS.pdf) Digging Water Wells in Africa – How it Works
Spending time with a hymn related to the Bible passage that you are reading can enrich what you are reading. You can approach a hymn study in many ways. This month’s hymn is Hymn 116 – Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
Option 1) If you don’t know the hymn already, you can learn to play and sing it. This website provides piano music for each of the hymns that you can sing along with.
Option 2) Sing it daily for a week.
Option 3) Write out the hymn (you can use this template!), and write Bible passages that relate to the different lines from the hymns along the side (you can also mark this right into your hymnbook to make the hymn more meaningful the next time you sing it).
Work through the STEP Meditations on David’s Psalms: S-T-E-P Meditations on the Psalms of David
David was a very musical man. We know he played the harp and wrote psalms which he probably sang. We are also told in 2 Samuel 6 that he had all manner of instruments of fir wood: harps, psalteries, timbrels, coronets, and cymbals. Try your hand at making a musical instrument. Here are some ideas (although I have not tried them):
A timbrel: https://www.eduplace.com/science/dw/5/unit/f/pm5.f7.html
A harp: https://www.instructables.com/id/Greek-Lyre/
A drum: https://funfamilycrafts.com/coffee-can-drum/
Share your project on social media #genesistojob
Check on your motives?
“…We remarked that David’s desire to build a house for God was inspired by a pure zeal for divine things and not with any idea of self-aggrandizement. There are two proofs of this assertion. The first lies in the fact that God approved him and commended his intention. The second arises out of the plain facts of history. It is obvious that the construction of a magnificent temple for the worship of God would seem one of the grandest of all possible achievements for a king of Israel. It would be a lasting memorial of his greatness, a centre of pilgrimage from all parts of the kingdom, and with each successive generation, men would point out to their children the beautiful house of prayer and speak of the great king who conceived the idea and carried it into effect.
We can easily imagine what a day of pure delight it would have been to David could he have carried out all his intention, and having completed the work, assembled all Israel to the dedication. His intention was frustrated. His ambition had been a worthy one, but it was not to be gratified, because he had been a man of war. What was David’s attitude in the face of this disappointment? He humbly thanked God for the mercies promised and started with zeal on such work as was permitted. He was not to have the honour of building the house, but he could perform the humble work of preparing material. He seems to have devoted himself to this idea, and ‘in his trouble’ made great preparation for the work he was not permitted to consummate…
There are many matters in connection with which our only course is to accept the decision of the majority, and we all recognize that this is the only possible workable rule. But when the decision of the majority runs contrary to our ideas of what should prevail, there are various ways in which we can accept it. We can make the best of it or the worst of it, while between these two extremes are many grades. We may think an unwise course has been taken, but when the decision has been made we should try to make it a success. We may think the wrong brother has been chosen for a special work; but since he has been chosen, let us do all in our power to strengthen his hands.”
- Islip Collyer, Conviction and Conduct
Thank you to all the contributors for this Bible Reading Challenge: Julie S, Bailey M, Karen P, Sharon K, Susanna L!!!
For more Bible Reading ideas check out the following links: