Elijah Raises the Widow’s Son (CSSA Primary Stage 3 Lesson 5)

Introduction and Lesson


Memory Verse Video

Thank you to John, Rachel, and Grace P for these Bible verse videos that correspond with the Sunday School memory verses!


Memory Verse Pages

Here are the memory verse printables for the first six lessons:

Click here to download the memory verse page.

Click here to download the first six memory verses.


Meet the Bible Character – Videos

Meet the Widow of Zarapheth!  Thank you, John and Dinah P for these videos.


Eye Spy with Ellie

Ellie has lots of things that make us think about from the story of Elijah!  Can you figure out what she took away?  Thank you to Joanna and Ellie G! 



Thank you to Rosey G!

“Elijah” – Song for Lessons 4-7.  Below is an audio file, sheet music, and the words in jpg format.


Elijah – Sheet Music & Words PDF

Elijah – Lessons 4-7 (downloadable audio)



Powerpoint from FreeBibleImages

Freebibleimages.org has a set of illustrations related to Elijah that can be downloaded and used to tell the story.   Follow this link: https://www.freebibleimages.org/illustrations/elijah-widow-boy/.  You will see options to use as a slideshow or download as a PowerPoint file (there are other options, as well).



Year-Long Lapbook Project

This week, there are two crafts to add to the lapbook (print the PDF of both crafts here: Lesson 5 Lapbook Crafts PDF.

Use the Lapbook Craft video below to guide your students through this week’s crafts!

Thank you to Julia H for the Lapbook and Joanna G for the Lapbook video!


Food Craft Video

Make the Pancakes Pops to think about the Widow of Zarapheth bread!  Thank you to Tarah S!


Printable Play Dough Mat

Thank you to Sheva B!

Elijah Raises Widow’s Son – Play Dough Mat PDF


CSSA Craft Ideas

Stage 3 Primary Lesson 5 Craft Idea Sheets PDF

Pinterest Boards

CSSA Stage 3, Lesson 5 Pinterest board by Jane Petite

CSSA Stage 3 Pinterest board by Judith Skipper

Elijah Pinterest Board by Magnify Him Together


Homework and Activity Sheets

Practical Challenge

Thank you Kate B for these Practical Challenges!

God heard Elijah’s prayer and the young boy was made alive again!  What a happy moment!  ☺

We know that God hears our prayers as well!  We may not get an answer for a long time, but we still need to remember that God does listen and He cares for us.  Say a prayer of thanks to God for caring for you.

“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.  He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them.” Psalm 145v18-19


Homework Sheets


CSSA Stage 3 Primary Lesson 5 Pre-writers Word

CSSA Stage 3 Primary Lesson 5 Pre-writers PDF

 CSSA Stage 3 Primary Lesson 5 Homework Sheet PDF

CSSA Stage 3 Primary Lesson 5 Homework Sheet Word


CSSA Activity Sheet

Stage 3 Primary Activity Sheets – Lesson 5 PDF


Check out the Junior Lesson posts on the CSSA Stage 3 Homepage for more resources!




Magnify Him Together
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