All that is within me, bless His Holy Name.
The Israelites’ fall feasts concluded the year with both a time of solemn reflection over the past year and a time of thanksgiving to God for His provision and sustenance in their lives.
As 2020 closes, many of us find ourselves reflecting on an incredibly challenging year. And yet our hearts can be filled with thankfulness that through it all He has sustained, He has provided.
As the sun rises on a New Year, we look in eager expectation of the time when the Sun of Righteousness will arise to begin a new era of healing and true life to this world. Truly the signs in the world around us indicate the time is near!
Thank you!
We want to give a massive thank you to the many, many hands who have reached out in encouragement, contributions and “behind the scenes” help in this past year. We could not have gotten through this year without you. We are also so very thankful for the love and care of the parents, aunts, uncles etc who have gone out of their way to produce spiritual resources to help the children get through this COVID era online.
2021 Site Updates
Last year in our New Year Site Updates we noted that the website has become a little cumbersome to navigate as resources have been added. Although our original organization paused early on in the year, we have focused again on organizing the resources in a more navigable way. A big thank you to Bailey M and Jess F for their artistic help!
You will find the resources now divided into three categories: Resources for Sisters, Resources for Teens, and Resources for Children (or for teaching children!).
There will continue to be a few final minor tweaks over the next little while. Please feel free to contact us, if you have any feedback regarding the changes.
As always, please email us with any resources, thoughts, and ideas. We love to hear from you!
We pray that all of our plans are interrupted by our Master’s return! Until then, may God be with you as we strive to Magnify Him Together in all our ways.