Watch. Play. Sing.

Memory Verse Video

Thank you to John, Rachel and Grace P for these memory verse videos!

Meet the Bible Character Video

Thank you to Adam Jones (and family!) and John & Dinah P for this video!


Kahoot Review

There is no Kahoot for this lesson (if you have made one, please let us know! 🙂

Memory Verse Song

Thank you to Cayla H!

This memory verse song corresponds to the memory verse cards below!


Memory Verse Sheet

Thank you Lydia O. for these sheets!

Coloring Sheet

Thank you to Karen P. for this sheet!

(You can download the entire Stage 3 Coloring book below.)

Homework Sheet

Thank you to Jim S. for this homework sheet!

Homework Supplement Chart

(You can download the entire Homework supplement book below.)

Homework Supplement Sheet

(You can also download a writing page for this lesson below.)

Other Website Resources.

FreeBibleImages Powerpoint

Not available for this lesson.

Magnify Him Together
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