Scripture Writing Plan for March – Spiritual Gardening: Water

Water is an absolute necessity for all life. It is an amazing feature of Creation.

Plants need water to make the stems and leaves strong and sturdy through water pressure in their cells. When a plant does not have enough water, it wilts.

Plants need water for photosynthesis. Water travels up to a plant’s leaves and combines with sunlight and carbon dioxide to form the sugar a plant needs to grow. Water also evaporates from the leaves in a process called transpiration which cools the plant. A single corn plant may transpire almost 2 L of water in a day.

Water in the spiritual garden is equated with trust and hope in God rather than man. Water is also used as a symbol of the Word which washes us clean and quenches our thirst.

March Scripture Writing Plan – Water PDF

{Thank you to Julie S. for this writing plan!}

See also:

Magnify Him Together
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