Watch. Play. Sing.

Memory Verse Video

This is an interactive game – guessing the words that are part of the memory verse (it may help if the kids have not already memorized the verse!)

Thank you to John, Rachel and Grace P for these memory verse videos!


Meet the Bible Character Video

Thank you to Ben W and John & Dinah P for these videos!


Kahoot Review

Thank you, Tirzah I. and Sam & Ashley R. for this Kahoot Quiz!

Memory Verse Song

Thank you to Cayla H!

This memory verse song corresponds to the memory verse cards below!


Memory Verse Sheet

Thank you Lydia O. for these sheets!

Coloring Sheet

Thank you to Martha O. for this sheet!

(You can download the entire Stage 3 Coloring book below.)

Homework Sheet

Thank you to Jim S. for this homework sheet!

Homework Supplement Chart

(You can download the entire Homework supplement book below.)

Homework Supplement Sheet

(You can also download a writing page for this lesson below.)

Character Copywork

Thank you to Tanya W!

Other Website Resources.

Teacher Prep

These two series on Nehemiah from Christadelphian Bible Talks may be useful to listen to as preparation.

Nehemiah – Lessons in Leadership by Frank Abel

  1. Barriers are not effective spiritually
  2. Nehemiah showed the character of spiritual leadership
  3. The benefits of volunteering
  4. Achievement in a hostile environment

Nehemiah by Graeme Harding

  1. I sat Down and Wept
  2. Except Yahweh Build the House
  3. The Effectual Fervent Prayer
  4. They Words Were Found
  5. Remember Me O My God

FreeBibleImages Powerpoint has illustrations that can be downloaded and used to tell the story.   Follow this link: and

Magnify Him Together
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