Thank you to Joel Suntz for this video!
Thank you to Cayla Hodge!
This memory verse song corresponds to the memory verse cards below.
Thank you to Lydia Osborn!
(See also the memory verse song in the section above!)
Download the template sheet (PDF) below to glue the memory verse cards onto.
Thank you to Tirzah Islip for these practical challenges!
Thank you to Lydia Osborn for designing the cards!
Thank you Karen Pillion!
Thank you to Bailey Moore for this sheet!
Thank you to Jim Styles for this homework sheet!
Thank you to Rachel Readman for this homework sheet!
(You can download the entire Homework supplement book below.)
Thank you to Tanya Wilton!
*Click the photo above for the pixel art instructions.
*Click the button below to download the blank pixel art page. has illustrations that can be downloaded and used to tell the story. Follow this link: (Please note this is a different illustrator than most weeks).
CSSA Stage 4 Pinterest Board by Judith Skipper
Christ’s Ministry Pinterest Board by Magnify Him Together