Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

Homework "Pick 3" Chart

(You can download the entire Homework supplement book below.)

Homework "Pick 3" Sheet

(You can click the image above to download the individual PDF)

Homework Lesson Questions

(You can click the image above to download the individual PDF)

Framed Memory Verse

Click above to download this week's memory verse!

Study A Disciple

Click on the image above to download all twelve disciples PDF!

Study An Animal

Click on the image above to download the homework sheet PDF!

Coloring Sheet

Thank you to Bailey M for this sheet!

Other Website Resources.

Homework Sheet

Thank You Sister Pam Styles!

Click image above to download.

Class Recommendations

Brother Jim Cowie has done a series on the Sabbath, below are the topic for each class in the series:

  1. Let them have dominion
  2. They shall not enter into My rest
  3. Call the Sabbath a delight
  4. The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath
  5. The Sabbath was made for Man
  6. There remains a rest for God’s people

This class can be found on

Book Recommendations

The following are a few works within the brotherhood that address the lessons topics and may be used for prep or used by the student as part of the homework “pick three”:

  1. A Life of Jesus by M Purkis (an audio book can be found here.)
  2. The Gospel of John by J Carter
  3. Nazareth Revisited by R Roberts (an audio book can be found here.)
  4. Guide Book to the Gospels (*& New Testament) by HP Mansfield
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