Watch & Sing.


Thank you to Rosey Gore for these SS songs!

Memory Verse Song - Luke 10:27

Thank you to Cayla Hodge!

This memory verse song corresponds to the memory verse cards below.

Bible Whiz Kids - The Good Samaritan

Character Video

Thank you to James Larson for this video!


Memory Verse Sheet

Thank you to Lydia Osborn!

(See also the memory verse song in the section above!)

Download the template sheet (PDF) below to glue the memory verse cards onto.

Practical Challenge

Thank you to Kate Badger for these practical challenges!

Thank you to Lydia Osborn for designing the cards!

Lapbook Craft

Thank you to Julia Hynes!

*Click the above photo to download the craft pdf.


CSSA Craft Ideas

CSSA Activity Sheet

Coloring Sheet

Thank you to Felicity Robinson!

5-6 year old Homework Sheet

Thank you to Debbie Bartholomew!

5-6 year old Homework Sheet

Thank you to Vanessa Scott!

7-8 year old Homework Sheet

Thank you to Vanessa Scott!

Playdough Mat - Coming Soon!

Use your playdough to add the food the pigs – and the prodigal son – ate!

Thank you to Sheva Billington!


Comic Story

Thank you to Vanessa Scott!


Other Website Resources.

FreeBibleImages Powerpoint has illustrations that can be downloaded and used to tell the story.   Follow this link:


Magnify Him Together
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