Mark Bible Reading Challenge



Use this challenge sheet filled with a variety of activities and Bible reading extensions.  Some activities may be particularly suited for children and families, while others may be suited for adults and teens – there is something for everyone.  Each activity collects a certain number of points with a goal of 1000 points.  (Activity details are below.)

One of the best parts of a challenge is doing it together.  Find another family to do it with, or involve your Sunday School or CYC.  You can also share your thoughts, favourite verses, quotes, reviews, etc in “Sisters Bible Study” on Facebook or “readthebiblechallenge” on Instagram with the hashtag #matthewtorevelation and #2022readthebiblechallenge!

Read - 400 Points

Read all the chapters of Mark for 400 points!  Print off one of these templates can help track your reading.

Bible Journal - 500 Points

Use a notebook or a Bible Reading Journal to take notes while you read.  You can order this one on Amazon or use your own notebook.  You can also download and print this set of Bible Journal suggestion pages to paste in your notebook, if you wish.  Share your thoughts or favourite verses.

Bible Marking - 100 Points

As you read through Mark, use coloured pencils to mark all the occurrences of: “immediately”. Mark uses this word a lot perhaps because he is writing about Jesus as having come as a servant – ready to do the will of God without hesitation. These words are from the King James Version and may not be the same in other translations.

Bible Art - 500 Points

Find a verse that encourages or exhorts you and draw pictures to illustrate them and put them where you can see them.  Share your creations here:

Literature - 200 Points

Read through one of the following books and share a quote or two.

Mark – the Gospel of the Son of God by L.G. Sargent

Nazareth Revisited by Robert Roberts

A Life of Jesus by Melva Purkis

Peter, Fisher of Men by Alfred Norris

Looking Unto Jesus by Jonathan Cope

Media - 300 Points

Listen and write a summary!

Search for this talk on Christadelphian Bible Talks and Exhortations: Christ in the Gospel of Mark by Brian Luke. Write a short review to share what you learn.

Memory Verse - 250 Points

Learn these verses by heart: Mark 6:34 & Mark 11:10.  You can print out the above bookmarks to help you memorize them.  (You can also colour them, or use them as a template to journal into your Bible margin.)

12 Disciples Worksheet - 100 points

Use this worksheet to list and color the twelve disciples.

Language - 150 Points

Do a word study on the word “baptize” (Mark 1).  You can use the above Word Study template.  Share what you learn!

Hymn Study - 100 Points

Learn to play and sing hymn 211 – “O love, how deep, how broad, how high”.  This website provides piano music for each of the hymns that you can sing along with.

Write out the hymn (using the above template), and list Bible passages that relate to the different lines from the hymns along the side.


Overview Study - 100 Points

Use this template to do an overview study of the book of Mark.

Mark's Threes - 100 Points

Illustrate or take notes of the sets of three in Mark.

Mark Outline - 150 Points

Illustrate each chapter in the book of Mark.

Journey - 100 Points

Geography - 100 Points

Print and use this map to track the journeys of Christ in Mark!

Dig Deeper - 150 Points

Learn about fishing in the Sea of Galilee: They Left Their Nets Behind.  Watch this video about the discovery of a fishing boat from Jesus’ time:

Food Craft - 100 Points

Pick a food craft from our food craft video library related to the gospel of Mark: Magnify Him Together – Video Library.

Our World - 100 Points

Make a list that contrasts Jesus with a world leader today.

Overview - 150 Points

Coming soon!

The Heart - 150 Points

Two parts were played out at Bethany. At the meal table where Jesus was having dinner the first person played their part. “A woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.” (Mark 14:3) This perfume was worth a years wages.
On the part of this woman it was a very wonderful and self sacrificing thing she did. It was the best she had and she gave it all to her Lord. It wasn’t even as if she opened the jar of perfume and poured it out, keeping some back for herself. She broke the jar and the perfume was poured on Jesus’ head. The jar was now useless to use again.
The second part was played by others who were present. They said, “‘Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a years wages and the money given to the poor.’ And they rebuked her harshly.” (v.4-5) These people were not the ones who had given the gift. They had not given gifts to the Lord of Life and yet they felt it appropriate to criticise the giver of this beautiful gift.
Which part do we play? Are we doers or complainers? Would we have been the one giving or the one complaining? Let’s be sure that the sharpness of our tongues does not catch out the laziness of our hands. Let’s be the movers and shakers – not those who sit down and criticise.


  (Robert Prins – Thinky Things)

Thank you to Julie S, Karen P, Bailey M, Tanya W, Sarah W, Sheva B, Lindsay B for the contributions to this Challenge!

More Resources

For more Matthew Bible Reading ideas check out the following links:

Also check out the Sunday School pages on related topics for crafts, worksheets, food crafts, meet the character videos and more:

For more Bible Reading ideas check out the following links:

Magnify Him Together
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