July Scripture Writing Plan – I will… Remember

Thank you to Julie Snobelen for this writing plan!


The chrysalis gradually changes in colour, some becoming transparent or a different colour just before the butterfly emerges.  The chrysalis breaks open over the head, and the legs quickly grab hold of the shell and what it is attached to and it hangs downward for awhile with its large abdomen and crumpled up wings.

While it hangs in this position, fluid from its body is pumped into the structures of the wings making them expand.  This takes less than ten minutes, then the butterfly may crawl to a better position as it waits for its wings to dry since this can take up to a couple hours.

The emergence of the butterfly does require effort and time.  But the end result is beautiful.

July Scripture Writing Plan – I will Remember (verses only)


July Scripture Writing Plan – I will Remember (including planner and meditation pages)


Junior July Scripture Writing Plan – I will Remember



See also:

Magnify Him Together
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