Watch. Play. Sing.
Song - Ye Men of Galilee

Thank you to Rosey Gore for organizing these SS songs!
Memory Verse Song - Acts 1:11
Thank you to Cayla Hodge!
This memory verse song corresponds to the memory verse cards below.
Object Lesson - Believing What we Cannot See (coming soon!)
Homework Sheet
Thank you to Jim Styles for this homework sheet!
Overview of Acts
Thank you to Jim Styles for this intro to Acts sheet!
Homework Sheet
Thank you to Jim Styles for this homework sheet!
Homework Supplement Chart
(You can download the entire Homework supplement book below.)
Other Website Resources.
FreeBibleImages Powerpoint
Freebibleimages.org has illustrations that can be downloaded and used to tell the story. Follow this link: www.freebibleimages.org/illustrations/jesus-ascension/