Thank you to Julie Snobelen for this writing plan!
While the butterfly hangs downward from its empty chrysalis, fluid from its body is pumped into the structures of the wings making them expand. This takes less than ten minutes, then the butterfly may crawl to a better position as it waits for its wings to dry as this can take up to a couple hours.
The butterfly progresses through stages that are fixed. Although it may take a bit longer or shorter at times, the pattern is followed exactly. And the result is something truly beautiful.
In the same way, there are stages that must be progressed through in a spiritual life to renew the mind, to develop a new heart and a new spirit, to become a new creation.
November Scripture Writing Plan – I will Wait (verses only)
November Scripture Writing Plan – I will Wait (including planner and meditation pages)
Junior November Scripture Writing Plan – I will Wait
See also: