{Thank you to Julie S. for this verse writing plan.}
Do you want to join me in writing out the book of Proverbs this year, God willing?
The book of Proverbs stands out compared to the rest of the books of the Old Testament. While most of the other books contain historical stories of triumph and failure, prophetic sermons to people who couldn’t seem to obey, and many theological truths, Proverbs is practical teaching on what it means to be wise. Of course, it assumes that we are ready and willing to trust in God because godly wisdom can only begin when we have reverence for the God who created us and a relationship with Him.
The word proverb comes from the Latin word “proverbium” which means a common saying and the English definition of a proverb is “a short statement, usually known by many people for a long time, that gives advice or expresses some common truth” (Cambridge Dictionary). In Hebrew, the word for proverb is also sometimes translated “parable”.
The book of Proverbs presents observations about how life works, helping us to gain perspective on reality. It can help us to take the time to think things through better, so that the differences not only between good and evil, but what might also be better or best become clearer. It can equip us for getting through all the challenges that life throws at us.
As we have been doing, we will post a monthly verse list on Magnify Him Together and in the Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/sistersstudy).
Here are some suggestions about what you might want to do with the daily verses:
- Read through the verses for the day in different versions if you can.
- Write out the verse in your chosen version.
- Highlight what relates to wisdom and foolishness in contrasting colours.
- If applicable, label the selection with a theme.
- Consider how you might use this wisdom in your thoughts, words, or actions.
There are plenty of creative ways you can do this challenge, but if you like using a planner for your scripture writing, there is one organized for this year available on Amazon (Canada: https://a.co/d/9ny2UmB US: https://a.co/d/4ZZW2NO UK: https://a.co/d/4ZZW2NO). You can check out the sample pages below.
Hopefully we will all grow in wisdom and discernment this year!
January Scripture Writing Planner Book Sample