1 & 2 Corinthians Bible Reading Challenge
Challenge yourself to achieve 1000 points by completing your choice of the following activities. Each activity has a certain number of points depending on how challenging it is. Some activites may be particularly suited for children and families, while others may be more suited for adults and teens. One of the best parts of a challenge is doing it together. Find another family to do it with, or involve your Sunday School or CYC.
Read - 400 Points
Read all the chapters of 1&2 Corinthians for 400 points! Below you can find a printable tracker for each chapter so you can check them off as you go!
Bible Journal - 500 Points
Use a notebook or a Bible Reading Journal to take notes while you read. You can order a prepared reading journal on Amazon (link below) or use just a regular notebook. A page of suggested questions to ask is also available below. Share your thoughts or favourite verses with your friends and family or on Social Media.
Bible Art - 500 Points
Choose a verse that exhorts or encourages you during your Bible readings and illustrate it. Share your creations here: Facebook Bible Journaling Group
Bible Marking - 100 Points
As you read through these letters written by Paul, use coloured pencils to mark all the occurrences of “life, live, living, alive” and “death, dead, die, and dying”. Note how these words are being used.
Language - 150 Points
Do a word study on the word “body”. You can find a worksheet below that explains how to do a word study. Share what you learn with your friends and family or on Social Media.
Literature - 200 Points
Read through any of the following books and share a quote or two with family and friends or on Social Media. Links to Booksellers below.
- Man and Woman: A Study of Biblical Roles by MIchael Lewis
- Revealing the Butterfly by Sharon Prins
- The First Century Ecclesia by James Norris.
Media - 300 Points
Search for this talk on Christadelphian Bible Talks and Exhortations:
- Lessons from an Imperfect Ecclesia by Steve Davis
- 1 Corinthians by Ben O’Grady
Write a short review to share what you learn.
Memory Verse - 250 Points
Learn at least one of these selections by heart:
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
- 2 Corinthians 4:7-10
Dig Deeper - 400 Points
Learn about the city of Corinth in the first century. Who lived there? What was it known for? How was it organized? How big was it? Does it exist in any form today?
Geography - 100 Points
Plot out Paul’s missionary journeys that included Corinth. Use a Bible atlas and the map below (d-maps.com).
Our World - 100 Points
Hymn Study - 100 Points
Hymn 224: “According to thy gracious word”
Sing this hymn. You can find a link below for the music. Write out the hymn (worksheet below), and see if you can find Bible passages that relate to this particular hymn.
Bible Study - 500 Points
Create an overview of the letters to Corinth. Use the instructions below on how to do a Bible book overview.
Art Project - 150 Points
Create a wall board with the words of 1 Corinthians 13. Here are instructions: Beth Stone Studio: I Corinthians 13 Sign
The Heart - 300 Points
T H I N K ON T H I S :
“The more virtuous we are, the less sympathy we tend to feel towards wrongdoing. Where we have succeeded we do not readily feel compassion for those who fail. But it was not so with Christ. So great was his compassion toward sinners that he voluntarily associated himself with them in death – performed the most amazing act of self-denial and self-sacrifice ever – that they might become associated with him in his triumph over death… In measure as the Corinthians appreciated this staggering truth so would they consent to be made poor for Christ. And the same is true of us. Love – true love – is begotten in our hearts by our appreciation of his love for us. We then become unselfish not through the exercise of our wills, but in response to his unselfishness towards us. If then, like Paul, we are the victims of suspicion, calumny and injustice, instead of resenting and rising up wrathfully against such treatment as do others, we remember how much of these our Saviour suffered on our behalf. Had he reacted to these experiences as it is so natural for us to do, he would not have been the kind of self-forgetting person which he needed to be if he was to suffer unjustly for us, But thank God, he was – and thus God for our sake made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.. It is because Paul himself did so that he could actually come to glory in his infirmities… “We are handicapped on all sides, but we are never frustrated, we are puzzled but never in despair, we are persecuted but we never stand it alone, we may be knocked down but we are never knocked out” 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 (J.B. Philips).
Downloads & Links:
More Resources
For more Bible Reading ideas check out the following links:
- Dynamic Bible Readings for the whole family
- Bible Reading Templates for adults and children
- Family Bible Readings – Book Review
- Bible Reading Discussion Cards
- Link for North American Booksellers: Detroit Book Supply & California Christadelphian Library
- Link for UK Booksellers: The Christadelphian Office
This website provides piano music for each of the hymns that you can sing along with.
Thank you to Julie S, Karen P, Bailey M, Tanya W, Lindsay B for the contributions to this Challenge!