Revelation Bible Reading Challenge
Challenge yourself to achieve 1000 points by completing your choice of the following activities. Each activity has a certain number of points depending on how challenging it is. Some activites may be particularly suited for children and families, while others may be more suited for adults and teens. One of the best parts of a challenge is doing it together. Find another family to do it with, or involve your Sunday School or CYC.
Read - 400 Points
Read through all of Revelation for 400 points! Below you can find a printable tracker for each chapter so you can check them off as you go!
Bible Journal - 500 Points
Use a notebook or a Bible Reading Journal to take notes while you read. You can order a prepared reading journal on Amazon (link below) or use just a regular notebook. A page of suggested questions to ask is also available below. Share your thoughts or favourite verses with your friends and family or on Social Media.
Bible Art - 500 Points
Choose a verse that exhorts or encourages you during your Bible readings and illustrate it. Share your creations here: Facebook Bible Journaling Group
Bible Marking - 100 Points
Mark all the occurrences of the number seven. This is a significant number in the Bible that seems to represent completeness. Collect a list of these sevens.
Language - 150 Points
Do a word study on “mystery”. What is meant by this term? You can find a worksheet below that explains how to do a word study. Share what you learn with your friends and family or on Social Media.
Literature - 400 Points
Read through any of the following books and share a quote or two with family and friends or on Social Media. Links to Booksellers below.
- The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia by W.L. Bedwell
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ by Geoff and Ray Walker
- Thirteen Lectures on the Apocalypse by Robert Roberts
Media - 300 Points
Search for this talk on Christadelphian Bible Talks and Exhortations:
- Revelation (chapters 1-3) by Joseph Palmer
- The Kingdom Vision of Revelation by Pete Owen
Write a short review to share what you learn.
Memory Verse - 250 Points
- Revelation 3:20
- Revelation 4:11
- Revelation 22:14
Geography - 100 Points
Locate the seven ecclesias mentioned in Revelation 2-3 on a map of Asia Minor. What can you discover about these cities?
Dig Deeper - 400 Points
The book of Revelation has been interpreted in different ways down through the ages. The four main views are idealist, preterist, historic, and futurist. Investigate what makes these views different.
Hymn Study - 100 Points
Hymn 309, Zion’s King shall reign victorious.
Sing this hymn. You can find a link below for the music. Write out the hymn (worksheet below), and see if you can find Bible passages that relate to this particular hymn.
Prayer - 200 Points
There are several passages in Revelation that can be used in your own prayers: Revelation 4:11, 5:14, 7:12, 15:3-4. Look these up and write them out. Memorize them, and use them.
Bible Study - 500 Points
Use one of the following study guides to work through Revelation:
- Simply Revelation study by Greg Palmer
- Revelation Study Guide by Michael Ashton
Art Project - 150 Points
Revelation is a very visual book. Choose a chapter to illustrate in comic book form or as a poster.
The Heart - 200 Points
T H I N K ON T H I S :
“In addition to the inability of the finite mind to comprehend the infinite, human language — even when used by inspired apostles — is inadequate for the full expression of the glories of everlasting life. Even the beloved apostle, closest of all to the Lord, experienced this: ‘Beloved we are God’s children now, it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is’ (1 John 3:2). It is as if John had written that he could not fully describe the life to come; he could only tell them one thing that was all-embracing and all-sufficient. They would become like the risen glorified Lord but the difficulty of detailing in human language what this meant remained.
About the time John was writing this epistle, the Lord himself put into words as much as the human mind can understand of the life to be given to those who conquer. This was done to encourage his brethren and sisters to be faithful to him even at the cost of their lives. These promises combine to give a composite picture of the glory to be given to those who overcome, expressed in a series of wonderful figures. There is a progression in these. The duration and quality of life to come are first described and then figures are used to show how those who conquer will become the Lord’s intimate friends, exercising his authority over the nations and, the ultimate promise of all, sharing his throne.”
The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia, by W.L. Bedwell
Downloads & Links:
More Resources
For more resources for Revelation:
For more Bible Reading ideas check out the following links:
- Dynamic Bible Readings for the whole family
- Bible Reading Templates for adults and children
- Family Bible Readings – Book Review
- Bible Reading Discussion Cards
- Link for North American Booksellers: Detroit Book Supply & California Christadelphian Library
- Link for UK Booksellers: The Christadelphian Office
This website provides piano music for each of the hymns that you can sing along with.
Thank you to Julie S, Karen P, Bailey M for the contributions to this Challenge!