David is quite obviously a man of prayer and meditation. But he also committed adultery and murder – worthy of death under God’s holy law. Yahweh our God chose him to show the goodness of His mercies towards those who turn to Him, and David penned the deep and spiritual words of many Psalms showing us the inner workings and power of a humble and contrite spirit that trembles at God’s word. The composer of at least 73 of our 150 Psalms, David was called “a man after God’s own heart”. Who then better to look to for inspiration for our own prayer and meditation? The idea is to practice using the Psalms of David as a springboard for our own prayer & meditation. We will introduce the method of what we call S.T.E.P Meditation. Using this acronym we will S.T.E.P. through a few Psalms of David to help us dive deeper into the heart of David and our own hearts with prayer and meditation together. Scripture – Write out the Scripture Truth – List the biblical truthsExhortation – Discover your personal exhortationPrayer – Offer your personal prayer(More details on S.T.E.P. Meditation in the examples to follow).Think about how you might consistently set aside a place and do-able period of time each day or a few times a week to meditate on these things – this will greatly differ depending on your age and stage in life. The important thing is that you treat this time like your riverside resort (Acts 16v13).