God Chooses David (CSSA Junior Stage 2 Lesson 20)
In this week’s Sunday School lesson, we see how Samuel is given direction by God on how to anoint the next king of Israel. We are introduced to David hard at work caring for his father’s animals. Humble and unassuming David resembles Saul’s earlier self in so many ways – and yet truly in God’s words to Samuel we see the big difference – in his heart David truly wanted to be one with God.
Homework Sheet
This is Junior Lesson 20’s homework sheet (PDF) or (WORD) (Thanks to Jim S. for this homework sheet)
Memory Verse System
Please refer to this post for the memory verse activity for Stage 2.
This is Junior Lesson 20’s memory verse (PDF)(Remember – this page includes memory verses for lessons 19-21)
This is Junior Lesson 19-21 memory verse page (PDF)
Practical Challenge
Thanks to Kate B. for sharing these practical challenges.
Each week we hope to share a practical challenge that can be incorporated into the lesson or as homework.
Lesson 20 – Practical Challenge
God looks on our heart! Let’s focus not on our appearances but on our character so that we are a boy/girl who wants to act like God.
Craft Ideas
Two dedicated Sunday School teachers have very useful Pinterest pages that link directly to the CSSA program.
Take a look at the corresponding Primary Lesson to get more craft ideas!
Additional Resources
This is CSSA Junior Lesson 20 activity sheet (PDF)
These PDF documents are full of fantastic Bible marking ideas for the Intermediate level (or advanced Juniors) (Thanks to Christadelphian Studies for these Bible marking sheets!)
These PDF documents are full of fantastic Bible marking ideas for the Intermediate level (or advanced Juniors) from CSSA.
This is a fill in the blank game based on Psalm 23. (Thanks Meriden Christadelphians)
This is a jumbled text puzzle based on David’s appointing (Thanks Meriden Christadelphians)
“For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7