Introducing Bible Reading Journals and a Challenge
Download this two week Bible Reading template to track your reading and studying. Find a friend to do the Bible study challenge with – a Malachi316 friend!

Exodus 20: God Speaks to His People (Online Course)
There is probably not a greater story than the one of Israel coming out of Egypt. It is a story of God coming to be with His chosen people, who were suffering under a hard taskmaster, and rescuing them with a mighty, powerful hand. But there were conditions. God would be their God, but they must be His people.

Deuteronomy 29-30: Choose Life! (Online Course)
In this little study, we are going to use a magnifying glass and see what we can discover when we use it on the words of Scripture. We will walk slowly, stop to notice, and without going too deep, try to understand the value of what we see.

Ruth Study
In this little study, we are going to use a magnifying glass and see what we can discover when we use it on the words of Scripture. We will The book of Ruth is such an inspiring story: a sad beginning, but such a happy ending! It is the kind of story that can help us to believe that God is indeed working in our own lives.

Ezra - Bible Study Journal
When first the northern kingdom, and then the southern kingdom were besieged and taken captive, to many it may have seemed like the end of the Hebrew nation. But God intervened. He stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, and brought the people back to the land to build Him a temple. Ezra is a book of renewal. It is a reminder that the purpose of chastening is never destruction, but restoration.

Learning the Prayer of Lament
Our God is the same God, our prayers and our faith can be the same to. Surely using His word as the framework for our prayer gives us this confidence. (Prayer templates included.)

Stepping into the heart of the Psalms of David (Online Study Course)
David penned the deep and spiritual words of many Psalms showing us the inner workings and power of a humble and contrite spirit that trembles at God’s word. The composer of at least 73 of our 150 Psalms, David was called “a man after God’s own heart”. Who then better to look to for inspiration for our own prayer and meditation?

"O Come and See What God has done for Me" Psalm 66
There is a Psalm for every season of life and especially in times of trouble, we can find the much-needed comfort from the words therein. Psalm 66 is one such Psalm that encapsulates the emotional journey through trials, from the lows of desperation and suffering to the highs of jubilation and deliverance for the believer.

Psalm 119 - Bible Study Journal
Have you ever considered how the Psalms are written to mirror the emotions and conflicts in our hearts and then prompt them in the proper direction?

Ecclesiastes - Bible Study Journal
Hopefully this will help you to read it as written by Solomon, the son of a man after God’s own heart who knew all the ups and downs of his father’s life; a man who was ‘beloved of God’ at his birth and was to build the house of God; a man to whom God gave a wise and understanding heart, and yet still experienced failure to be wise.

Isaiah 35: Hope (Online Course)
Take some time to be reminded of the beautiful hope we have. Steep for awhile in a beautiful picture by taking a few minutes each day in Isaiah 35. These are very short exercises meant to help you meditate on this beautiful chapter.

Lamentations - Bible Reading Journal
This journal for Lamentations uses an “inductive study” approach – observation, interpretation, and application. You may think Lamentations is an awkward and depressing book to start with… but I think you may find encouragement in it instead.

Luke - Bible Study Journal
Luke’s account is the only gospel written by a Gentile (and to a Gentile!). It is specifically written to “Theophilus,” whose name means “Beloved of God.” Perhaps then it comes as no surprise that one of Luke’s main themes is the far-reaching impact of Christ’s message of salvation – to the Gentiles, the women, the poor, the broken, the sick and the sinners – to you, and to me!

Bible Reading Journal - Paul's Epistles
This journal provides a list of thought provoking questions that can be used with any of Paul’s of epistles - identifying his purpose in writing and the lessons that come out of it. (Chronology and suggested placement of Paul's epistles included).

Philippians - Bible Study Journal
Paul mentions joy repeatedly in the letter to the Philippians. Although he wrote these words while he was in prison in Rome, perhaps chained to a Roman guard, he was able to find joy despite his circumstances. He points us to the true source of joy – rejoicing in the Lord, for it is through him that all our needs are supplied, we are given strength and we have hope.

James - Study Sheet
This worksheet provides some big picture overview questions as you read through the book of James.

Workbook for Prayer Study and Journal
For many of us prayer is an aspect of discipleship that we would like to grow in more. Sometimes it is hard to know what to say, sometimes it can become a mere ritual. This workbook has twenty-five ‘mini studies’ on prayer, each including a short section to read and an exercise for you to explore further on your own (including instructions for creating a personal prayer journal!).

Prayer Worksheets
Use one of the prayer worksheets for a whole week or more. Add to it as the week goes on and pray through it each day, taking time to meditate on the verses provided.

Keeping a Prayer Journal
Helpful thoughts on how to create a prayer journal specific to your circumstances.

Prayer Journal Templates
These printable Prayer Journals are based on the article "Keeping a Prayer Journal."

Sunday Prayer Journal
Use this template to keep track of Sunday prayer requests.

Online Course - Home Page
This page lists all the online Bible study courses available.

Nova Scotia Christadelphian Mini Studies
Another website source for workbooks/ study journals.

Teens' Workbook Page
Teen workbooks, study sheets, and journals.

Kids' Workbook Page
For children's workbooks and activity books visit our children project & workbook page.
Bible Reading and Study Templates

Book of the Bible Overview Study Template
This template is an outline for studying a book of the Bible.

Word Study Template
This template is an outline for doing word studies.

Character Study Template
This template is an outline for doing a character study.

Bible Reading Templates
Lots of Bible Reading templates: Books of the Bible on a bookshelf to keep track of what you have read, illustrate the chapter in comic boxes template, and templates for deeper Bible reading.
Study Journal Reviews & Recommendations

Prayer Journal Review
This is a great little book to keep with you to jot down your thoughts during the day that you want to remember in your daily prayers. It has a small section allocated for each day of the year, the sections are not big, but they are big enough to write things down in point form to jog your memory.

Genesis to Ruth Bible Journal
Use this journal to create a brief summary of each reading, choose a verse to write out, and some ideas to choose from to increase comprehension and application.

1 Samuel to Job Journal
Use this journal to create a brief summary of each reading, choose a verse to write out, and some ideas to choose from to increase comprehension and application.

Psalms to Song of Solomon
Use this journal to create a brief summary of each reading, choose a verse to write out, and some ideas to choose from to increase comprehension and application.

Charlotte Mason Bible Study Workbooks - Review
These workbooks produced by Simply Charlotte Mason are a fantastic resource for guided Bible study These workbooks guide you through various types of Bible studies.

Journibles Series - Review
These books are formatted to copy a book of the Bible.