The book of Acts is chalked full of references of our brethren being bound for the sake of the Gospel. Here are just some examples:
- 12:6-7
- 20:22-25
- 21:10-13
- 22:25
- 28:20
Purpose of the Game:
Build a paper chain that looks like a metal chain, with the words “For the Hope of Israel I am bound with this chain”.
Game Materials:
- Silver / grey cardstock or construction paper cut into strips (available at most dollar stores).
- Paper cutter / scissors.
- Stapler.
- Marker.
- Have the students answer a question from any of the lessons in Acts.
- If the student answers correctly, they “earn” a piece of paper to staple to the chain. You can either pre-write the letters on some of the strips of paper or let the students write the letter before stapling it onto the chain.
- Some children may need help with the stapling, especially young ones!
This could be a fun decoration to hang around your Sunday School room as a reminder of the daily sacrifice we should be making for the gospel’s sake.
Please refer to this post for another review game on the life of Paul.