A Time to Strive – Coming Soon!

Available as of 21st November 2018
“A Time To Strive” – Book 5 in the series.

This fictional work covers the ‘silent period’ between Paul’s first and second journeys, concerning which The Acts of the Apostles only mentions two notable events: the Jerusalem conference, and the rift between Paul and Barnabas over John Mark. This book explores how various intensely personal events and decisions may gradually have shaped attitudes and relationships, leading up to that regrettable division between two spirit gifted and dedicated apostles. It also continues the narrative of key characters from previous books.

Written for adults, “A Time To Strive” deals with the very human challenges faced by both the apostles and ordinary brothers and sisters, as they strove to live the message and develop a ‘third culture ‘ of Christianity amidst the heathen vs Jewish cultural backgrounds from which believers were drawn.

A time when the ‘glory days’ of the original unity and excitement were being overtaken by ecclesial and personal strife – when maintaining one’s faith and zeal was harder, yet more important, than ever. In this there are many relevant echoes for us today.

The soft-cover book will be available from The Christadelphian Magazine, and also may be ordered directly from the author (sjknightworks@gmail.com). It is also being released as an eBook.

-S. Knight

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