RUN! Like your life depends on it… because it does.
“FLEE! ESCAPE from sin and lusts!” Paul tells Timothy (1 Tim. 6:11, 2 Tim. 2:22).
PURSUE! Chase after righteousness, faith, charity, peace! Pursue the prize! (1 Tim. 6:11, 2 Tim. 2:22, Phlp. 3:12,14.)
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus… – Hebrews 12:1b-2a
Weights? Hindrances? Burdens? We can’t let anything get in the way! In both escaping and pursuing, baggage must be cast aside, hindrances must be avoided at all cost. In our running, we must constantly identify any extra burdens and remove them. The Greek word for “ensnares” or “besetting” sin means “to encircle”. It’s all around us – no matter which way we turn. It may not be easy to escape from, but it is imperative!
What weighs you down today? What hinders your run? Is it a particular sin, habit, attitude, or perspective that is slowing down your effort?
Use this Weights and Hindrances Journal Page to think through and make a list of weights and hindrances that you can identify in your life. Pray about them! Afterwards pick a specific weight to focus on. Think through why it is a weight, when it is a problem, and what actions you can take to “lay the weight aside. ” Continue to pray for God to work through you as you take measurable action to lay aside the hindrance to your race.
This journal page builds on the “Assessment” journal pages ( At the top there is a place to journal your specific, measurable objective for hindrance removing. Immediately following is a place to document challenges you might face in meeting your goal. Jot down ideas for how you can prepare to face these challenges. The rest of the page is a daily tracker to take notes as you go through the month.
Monthly Discipline Journal Page February
Don’t forget to also print off a monthly attribute page to think through an attribute (or spiritual fruit) that you would like to focus on this month!
At the end of the month, you can reflect on your goals and challenges of the month using this monthly reflection page.