This collection of worksheets can be used alongside the CSSA Stage 4 Lesson Book. With homework question sheets for each lesson & optional extras – you can help instil the importance of living out the lessons that we read from God’s word every week!
(You can download the entire Homework supplement book below.)
Magnify Him Together has done a review on the musical portrayal “Lamb of God” which can be found below. In this musical, there are a number of songs relating to the latter half of the story line of the life of Christ, and one specifically entitled “Hosanna” that relates to our lesson.
The following are a few works within the brotherhood that address the lessons & topics and may be used for prep or used by the student as part of the homework “pick three”:
A Life of Jesus by M Purkis (an audio book can be found here.)
The Gospel of John by J Carter
Nazareth Revisited by R Roberts (an audio book can be found here.)
Guide Book to the Gospels (*& New Testament) by HP Mansfield