Two Men at Jericho (CSSA Junior Stage 2 Lesson 6)
Rahab has to be one of the most beautiful stories we are blessed to teach this Sunday School year. This Gentile woman, outcast from the hope of Israel, shows a faith in the one true God that most in Israel struggle to kindle. God weaves Rahab’s thread of faith throughout so much of the rest of scripture – there are so many different layers you can “pull at” with your students.
Homework Sheet
This is Junior Lesson 6’s homework sheet (PDF) or (WORD)(Thanks to Jim S. for this homework sheet)
Memory Verse System
Please refer to this post for the memory verse activity for Stage 2.
This is Junior Lesson 6’s memory verse (PDF) (Remember – this page includes memory verses for lessons 4-6)
This is Junior Lesson 4-6 memory verse page (PDF)
Practical Challenge
Thanks to Kate B. for sharing these practical challenges.
Each week we hope to share a practical challenge that can be incorporated into the lesson or as homework.
Junior Lesson 6 – Practical Challenge
Rahab showed faith in God by protecting the spies. We can show our faith this week by being kind and caring to those around us.
Craft Ideas
Two dedicated Sunday School teachers have very useful Pinterest pages that link directly to the CSSA program.
Take a look at the corresponding Primary Lesson to get more craft ideas!
Additional Resources
This is CSSA Junior Lesson 6 activity sheet (PDF)
Here are some ideas to sink your teeth into. Whatever you are excited to teach, the children will be excited to learn!
-“Like father, Like son” (the family tree of Rahab)
-Hosea 2 “door of hope” in the valley of Achor
-genealogy of Christ (the 5 named woman)
-Lydia “seller of purple” and the echos to Rahab’s life.
-James’ examples of faith in Abraham (Jewish male) and Rahab (Gentile female)
“Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?”
James 2:25