Back to: Stepping into the heart of the Psalms of David: A man after God’s own heart.
The vastness and magnificence of the sparkling heavenly bodies have been an ageless wonder to the heart of man. In Psalm 19, they are purposefully paralleled with the depth, beauty & power of the Word of God. In this Psalm we find the power to change the way we think and speak, even the power to change our naturally wicked hearts!
A suggested break up of thoughts…
v 1-6: Meditation on the wonder of the heavens
v 7-11: Meditation on the wonder of the Word of God
v 12-13: Prayer for help with the conversion of my soul
v 14: Prayer for God’s grace towards my heart’s response
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all He created (James 1v17-18).
It has been suggested that these words were written by David when he was anointed as a lad to become king of Israel (1 Sam 16v1-13). We can picture David out in the fields day and night staring up into the vast heavens as he looked after his sheep and meditated on these words. These are some of the most beautiful words in the Psalms: words of inspiring imagery (v1-6), wonderful wisdom (v7-11), self-searching surrender (v12), a worthwhile warning (v13), and a significant secret (v14).
In v14 perhaps David is asking for God’s help as he considers the tremendous responsibility he will have as king of God’s people. “Cleanse Thou me from secret faults.” (v14)
These “secret faults” are sometimes not only faults that we know about that are hidden from other people; but faults that are strangely hidden even from ourselves. There are certain faults that we don’t even know we have. Here is David, asking God to reveal even these faults to him and to cleanse him from them when they are revealed!
This Psalm could be used in the evening – as a reflection. It could also be used when we feel something is off inside our own hearts; perhaps our pride is stopping us from moving forward with something. Akin to Psalm 8 in this respect, it is a wonderful Psalm for remembering our position before our God and the importance of an intimate relationship with His Word in the development of humility.
Take note of the three places we are exhorted to look in this Psalm.
We are to look up – to God (v1-6)
We are to look into – the Word of God (v7-11)
We are to look inside – our own heart (v12-14)
If we are busy looking up to God, at the Word of God and into our own hearts, we will certainly find less time or opportunity to be distracted with other unhelpful thoughts or judgments of others.
EXAMPLE of S.T.E.P Meditation:
Copy out one little section of the Psalm at a time.
As an example:
“The heavens declare the glory of God;”
Write down as many biblical truths you can think of from these words.
As an example:
God created the sun, moon and stars, they were created for His glory.
They are telling/showing His glory to all His creation.
Meditate on and write down the personal exhortation that is relevant to you today.
As an example:
Continue to look to creation as a witness of God and His glory.
Take time to look up at the heavens.
Consider the moon – the faithful witness in the sky. How do I reflect God’s glory?
Start to compose your prayer based on the words of this first verse…
As an example:
Give thanks to God for the glory in creation.
Ask Him to show me the wonders of His creation in new ways.
Ask Him to help me ‘hear the voice’ of His heavenly creation proclaim His glory each night.
Continue to walk in these “S.T.E.P.S” through Psalm 19, composing your prayer as you go. This can take as much time as you need – depending on your life situation. The important part is that we spend the time sitting quietly in the presence of our God and coming to know the voice of His word.
When you have finished your S.T.E.P. Meditation for all the verses of Psalm 19, read through each prayer section in succession as a prayer offering to Yahweh, the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
Further Suggestions:
- Consider having a spiritual friend – who you can do this together with – perhaps not at the same time in the same place but to provide accountability and encouragement.
- Consider sharing your prayer with God in the presence of your faithful friend.
- Copy the Psalm and keep it in a place that you can see during your day.
- Write out your prayer in a prayer journal so that you go back over and pray those words again.