Scripture Writing Plan for February – Spiritual Gardening: Compost

The addition of compost improves the quality of any type of soil and the nice thing about it is that it can be made right in your own backyard.  All you need is the ingredients and a place to let them sit while they break down.

To make compost you simply make a pile of ingredients such as grass clippings or green garden waste, vegetable and fruit scraps, and leaves which you add to as materials become available. Then you let it sit for a whole year or so to decay into lovely crumbly food for your soil.

It is important not to add diseased plant materials, weeds that have gone to seed, chemicals, or animal products such as meat, dairy, fat or grease because although they will decay, they may attract animals to your compost pile and introduce disease and weeds to your garden.

Compost is all about change. It takes dead things and turns them into something that gives life.

 February Scripture Writing Plan – Compost PDF

{Thank you to Julie S. for this writing plan!}

This Scripture Writing Plan is also available as a workbook on Amazon: CanadaUSAUK.

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