Glad Wrap Painting

This is a great craft to use as part of a review week activity or as a Bible School craft.  It’s versatile and can be used with a variety of lessons, or for a lesson

“Snow Day” Audio Book

Snow Day is part of a Christadelphian children’s book series published by Graeme and Carol Wilson for their children when they were young, and they continue to be timeless, down to earth stories that are great for

Roman Theme Family Night

Why do a Roman theme night? The whole New Testament is written under the shadow of the Roman empire. Christ was put to death by the Romans, Paul was a prisoner of Rome for many

The Sound of Many Waters

The story of Mary isn’t over.  John’s vision of the future Son of Man, a glorified Christ (Rev. 2:15-16) is a multitudinous Christ.  His voice is the sound of many waters – it’s a myriad

Blank Book, Blank Puzzle, and Blank Game Board Resource is an online shop that offers blank books of varying sizes, blank puzzles, blank game boards – all very inexpensively!  The possible uses for these blank canvases are limitless. Some ideas include:   Bible

Sing the Word Review has been a gold mine for our family … “scripture memory songs for the whole family”!  The vision of is “Planting the Word of God in the hearts of children through the art of

Mothers in Israel Tea Party

A cup of tea can be such a pleasant way to bring people together. This idea was used originally as an opportunity for a group of young ladies to spend some time with the older

A Book of Remembrance

Like the record of all the men and women of the Bible, the record of Mary’s life is now complete.  None of the faithful of old knew that a story was going to be published

Abraham Five Day Lesson Plan For Preschoolers

Day Five – Abraham Offers Isaac (Gen. 22) Supply Checklist: Photos or PowerPoint for storytelling Puppets for storytelling – Isaac, ram Props for storytelling – wood, knife, rope Activity – sensory bin, cotton balls, small

Free Bible Images Review

This is a wonderful Bible image library for Sunday School teaching, Bible Schools, use at home etc.  The images are a great resource of visual aids for many Bible stories.  The images are free to

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